Please scroll through the following fields and read through all information below before booking on Gingr. Thank you!
What is an evaluation?
This is an assessment of your dog in a social setting. An evaluation allows us to see how your dog does in our environment. For example, we look at how your dog interacts with other dogs and how your dog handles being crated.
How long does it take?
An evaluation begins during normal drop-off hours and ends at the normal pick-up time Monday - Thursday.
Drop-off: 7 - 9 am
Pick-up: 4 - 5:30 pm
Is there an additional cost?
Yes. The evaluation is a one-time charge of $20 on top of the normal daycare fee of $42.
Do I need to be there?
No. An evaluation does not require you to stay at the facility with your dog. At pick-up time one of our trainers will inform you about how the day went.
Required Information
We have a few forms on our Gingr portal under agreements that you will need to read through and electronically sign. If you have made an account on Gingr, you can see the unsigned agreements by clicking:
Account (button on left side of webpage) > Waivers & Agreements (button option) > Unsigned
This is required for each customer as we will not be able to board your dog until you have successfully read through and signed each form! Thank you!
What is Gingr?
This is the portal we use to hold all of our client information. Each client has their own Gingr portal where they are able to request boarding dates.
Do I need to make an account?
Yes. All of our clients need to make an account for their dog(s) beforehand.
How do I create an account?
Please click the “Create your Gingr account” below and follow the prompts. If you have any other questions, please email us at: